Earthbound Misfit

Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back

September 23, 2009 – Apparently, I fail at web updates.
Seriously! I pay for this site, and I use the STORAGE on this site, but I seem to very rarely, (anymore at least) make updates to this site. That really has got to change.

Updates since the previous one include: a bunch of stories in the wonderful world of the Winchesters (i.e. Supernatural Fanfic). There are six in total there (of which I am fairly proud). There is also one little lonely Doctor Who drabble (Ten/Rose for those of you wondering). More shall show up there later, of that I am mildly certain.

Also included in this update is a slew of icons (and wow, am I ever unhappy with a lot (re: most) of my old icons) and some wallpapers as well. These include a whole bunch for Supernatural, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Pushing Daisies (along with some more Comic Icons).

July 1, 2007 - Later in the day ;-P
*waves* I'm back!! This morning I have a few new poems up for you're reading (dis)pleasure, if your into that sort of thing. I've also updated the fiction page with a new full-length story, Tired of Waiting, which takes place post-NFA. There are also two new drabbles up. Both written long ago, but which never made it to this site.

I've also finally fixed whatever the hell was wrong with the tab board. So, hopefully, if you tag it (and please-oh-please do so) It'll work right.

Be back later on with some graphics!!

July 1, 2007 - Holy crap!!
Okay. So it would appear that I have been woefully neglecting this site. *dusts off the cobwebs* Sorry 'bout that. Well, in the last 10 or so months since I've update I've moved four times (once out of state), switched jobs, gotten a dog, and begun training for a triathlon, so really? It's no wonder that I haven't updated this place in a while.

I have plans to overhaul the site, including putting up a much needed new layout (although I love my River/Jayne one to bits), and adding up a bunch of content that's lounging around on the server. For now, I've added an BTVS Episodes page with 100 (!) icons from Episode 4x22 - Restless on it. I've also updated the awards page with lots of new prezzies (which always makes me very happy :-P), and I've updated the extras page with two icon texture image packs.

Hopefully, this will keep the random few of you that still float by this site content. Future updates will include a plethora of icons and larger-sized graphics in my usual fandoms, some more poetry, more textures, at least one full-length Buffyverse story, and that new layout! So keep an eye out! There will (hopefully) be a flurry of activity goin' on here soon!

Skybound out ~

August 25, 2006 - A few things
Wow. I take my good old time between updates, don't I? Life has been... eventful. let's just leave it at that, shall we?

I've added a few graphics, including a new category for where I'm showcasing things I've made for other people. There are a couple of Veronica Mars headers and wallpapers, as well as some new Spike/Buffy banners, and a new Angel/Cordelia banner as well.

The awards page has also been updated with some recently received prezzies!! Shouts out to the voters at Buffy Banners and Firefly Awards for voting for my stuff!

I've been feeling pretty ansty lately in regards to my icons. Namely, I'm not likely them so much any more. So, expect an overhaul to the icon pages fairly soon.

Also, my tag board hates me. No, really. It does. It's acting like it's possesed or something ;-P Pardon it's appearence while I find a good exorcist to take care of it's issues.

April 18, 2006 - Small Update
Just a couple of things this go round. First off, I've got a couple of Veronica Mars Film Noir Wallpapers up on the graphics page. One of which won an award!

Life's crazy right now, so the icon making has slowed to a halt for the time being, but hopefully that will resume soon. In the meantime, feel free to surf the site and tag the board!

January 3, 2006 - Happy New Year!
Well, it's a new year, so I figured it was time for a new layout. Whatd'ya think? I'm all a a-squee about it myself :-) In addition to this nice, new layout, I've actually updated some other pages as well. Take a stroll on over to the icons for lots of new additions - including icons from Veronica Mars (aka my new drug) and Lost! I've also (finally) started that blank icon page as well, in case anyone is interested.

There's also some new wallpapers and banners up in the graphics section of the site, as well as a new drabble called Snow Day written for Sandy.

Lastly, a new award from Firefly Awards. Thanks so much guys! You like me! You really, really like me! Or at least, you like my icons. Which is better than nothing I guess. *shrug*

As always, tagging the board, signing the guestbook, or sending chocolates emails is always appreciated. Happy New Year everyone!!

November 17, 2005
Hello, everybody! Just a quick update today. I've got a whole bunch of new icons up. More then 100 new ones in the Firefly section alone. I've also got a handful of new wallpapers and banners up as well. And remember, if you like something, then TAG the board!

Also, one new award up from Evil Hand Awards for my video Wonderful World. Thanks guys!

October 20, 2005
*brushes cobwebs off, then steps up to the mic* Hello? Anyone still out there? Yes? No? Maybe... I'll take that as a perhaps then, and just ramble on.

I'm in the process of moving (continuously it seems) so, things have been a bit irregular. But, I do have a few new things posted and am expecting to have a new layout up sometime before the end of the year ;-) Which seems possible, as I've already started it somewhat.

New Firefly Icons are up, in tribute to the release of Serenity. (Fantastic movie by the way. If you haven't seen it yet - get thee to a theater!) Also up in the manipulations section is a new wallpaper and a new banner (which won an award from Nocturnal Light ;-P)

I do believe that is all for now, and remember - feedback is like sex in high school, if you knew how many times you missed it, you'd be paralyzed.* Think about it...

*Line shamelessly stolen and manipulated to suit my own purposes from Dead Like Me.

August 2, 2005
Heya, it's my birthday ;-)

Now that that important news is out of the way, I have an update. Added two new wallpapers and banners, as well as some new ATS and BTVS icons.

That's it for now :-P

July 25, 2005
Hey all! *waves* Just a small update this time around. I've added a bunch of new wallpapers and banners to the manipulations page, so head on over and check 'em out! Also, added some new BTVS-verse icons, some of which are made to match the other new stuff I just mentioned ;-).

I'll be adding more walls and banners soon, along with some new brushes and textures free for the snagging. So keep an eye out for those.

And hey, while you're here, why not tag the board - it won't bite ;-)

July 1, 2005
Phew! *wipes brow* It's been awhile since I've updated this site, hasn't it? Sorry about that, but my computers staged a coup. And won. It's a thing.

First things first: I won four video awards!! One for Never See and Wonderful World, and then two for Happy Phantom *is happy*. A big thank you to the judges over at Why We Fight for the pretties :-D

I've also got a new story up in the fiction section, Sometimes. It's a short piece in Spike's POV, set sometime after "Chosen." So go! Read! Review! Send Chocolates! ;-)

Oh! And I've ended a bunch of icons in the Buffyverse to my icon page, so check those out too! That's it for now, stay tuned for a rather large graphics update coming closer to the end of the month ;-).

May 10, 2005
I'm still going through the process of double checking all of the pages and links on the site, so if you find something that doesn't quite work, let me know, k?

In other news. I've finally put those drabbles up that I've been meaning too. So go and check 'em out! And maye if you are feeling kind you could leave a review... ;-) Also, I've added Firefly Icons from the trailer of "Serenity" to my icon page, so check them out too!

April 24, 2005
Added a new tagboard to the page, and I've also completely revamped the icon page. There are now sections up for Buffy, Angel, and Eternal Sunshine icons. I should have sections up for blanks and other movies and shows within the next two weeks. I also added a section for the icon awards that I've won *bounces*. I think that's it! Happy surfing :-)

April 19, 2005
I've got a new layout up, complete with my very first attempt at frames, hopefully it was worth the effort. I still need to finish up all of the other pages, but at least I have the main page all done *does happy dance!* Hate it? Like it? Wanna have its babies? Feel free to drop me a line, and let me know! *Waits patiently by email box...*

Previous updates:
I won two new awards for my "Happy Phantom" video! You should go download it, and then tell me how much you love it (and me!) :-)

Also, I've added some more buffy icons to my icon page. So check those out too.

I'm thinking about actually taking some time one of these days to make this site look as pretty as my journal. ke this site look as pretty as my journal. But so far it remains merely a thought...Ah, well. After all, they say it is the thought that counts. *snerk* So Why don't we just skip to the update then? Hmm? Good.

"Not so Different" won an award! See the pretty! Maybe I should start submitting my fics to actual archives...there I go again with that whole thinking thing. I really need to cut that out.

Also, I've set up a very NOT fancy page with all the Buffy livejournal icons I've made to date that I'm willing to allow actual human beings to lay eyes on. Feel free to snag, but if you do, please credit me, and preferrably, drop me a comment as well. I'm a feedback whore, who is sadly lacking in feedback :-(

I do plan on adding some pages with icons NOT in the Buffy-realm. But not yet ;-) So you'll just have to wait ;-P

As always: feel free to peruse the site, check out some older videos or poems, or the fics, click on a link or two, and when all is said and done, come on back and FEED MY MUSE!

Now on with the show, or webpage, or whatever. . .