Thread Three: What You Wished For

Chapter 2

Thread Three: What You Wished For

Los Angeles – 2004


The acrid smell of burning flesh singed the air, thick smoke wafting up into the night and tangling with floating bits of dust, painting a pattern of death in the sky; a memoriam to those who were meant to be immortal.


Gasping, for air he couldn’t use, the small dark haired vampire stumbled back, falling to his knees and clutching his sliced throat in a vain attempt to hold back the deluge of blood. Having been freshly turned, he never received the training that might have given him a fighting chance. In a brief moment of clarity, he was lucidly aware of his place in this battle - an answer to the dire need for more bodies in this fight. He looked on at his attacker with an animal fear that blanketed the pain as he sputtered wet-gibberish, futile pleas, and half-handed threats.


His hunter twitched, a hardwood stake darting between his second and third rib with the grace of a mongoose strike. The hunter paused momentarily, breathing deep the odor of fear and turmoil as if in a religious ecstasy. Dust and death surrounded him, while his work lay before him. The hunter turned, with a bestial snarl and a lustful glare, fangs descended, to face his next conquest. 


The vampire grinned mirthlessly, all teeth and mounting fury, as he launched himself into the fray. His eyes flashed, inhuman and violent as all around him the fight raged. Screams of agony poured forth like blood, wine…mother’s milk. In alien and human tongues alike. Victory was inevitable, in the air like blood on the tide. He knew this as surely as he knew his own sire’s scent.  When the war was over, only one army could be left. His destiny was nearly fulfilled, standing at the forefront of a bold new world by the master’s side. They will sing your praises then, Xander…


With a thick, wet crunch, he tore an appendage from a horned demon and used it to bash the skull of an enemy on his right.


The sounds of gurgling death rattles caressed his ears. The newly one-armed, horned demon behind him clutched at its useless and leaking stump before being savaged by an opportunistic minion. Xander dropped his makeshift weapon in favor of a new opponent’s throat. Twisting his victim’s limp body around, he sunk his teeth into the dead flesh, pulling on the thick blood. When he had had his fill he twisted his battlefield snack’s head neatly from its twitching husk, dust painting his boots.


Xander wiped at the blood on his mouth, savoring the moment. Oh, how they sing for me


He scanned the crowd, looking for his next opening - knowing that it wouldn’t be much longer now. The scent of the sun was on the horizon, and the lesser demons wouldn’t be able to hold out. Brutally and suddenly, all of the momentum was knocked from his body. A heartbeat of time passed before his mind registered the dainty fist jutting from his chest. His mouth opened and closed in a sad, soundless impersonation of a fish He stared in fading awe at the gaping wound and watched, time passing thick with pain and shock, as the slender arm withdrew from his body, carrying his unbeating heart in its delicate palm.


The face of his killer drifted into view; there was no pain even as his knees burst on contact with the ground. He focused on those soft lips, lips he had spent countless hours memorizing. The malevolent, glistening ruby smile, luring over him beneath sparkling green eyes, filled his withering body with love and worship. Beautiful.


She slowly crushed his heart in her hands. A laugh escaped him then, followed by sanity as he noted the irony of the situation. She dropped the useless organ to the ground and slid into her demon visage. Her golden eyes shone with raw, vindictive pleasure as she ripped the head from Xander’s unfeeling corpse.

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A pout, a mockery of sympathy, touched her lips as she watched her dark prince’s remains mix with the mud and demon offal at her feet. Kicking at the reddened earth she pined for him; “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” before she turned abruptly on her heels, head and spirits held high. She couldn’t afford to wait any longer, mourning his unfortunate, but necessary passing.


Vampire royalty, she flowed through the hordes fighting and dying around her, every bit the successor to Xander the General. A few unwise, ill-fated demon minions attacked her on her way to her outpost and thus provided her with twin spine trophies.


She sighed heavily, the lack of challenge just boring the joy right out of her. A sudden pang of guilt for waylaying her only competition sobered her, placed things in a crystalline perspective. Her graceful stride widened as she moved in towards the heart of the battle, climbing up and over the fallen bodies of both demons and humans, and bathed her porcelain skin in the dust of countless fallen comrades.


At the edge of the battlefield, a mountain of corpses serving as his throne, she caught sight of her sire eagerly awaiting her return.


She greeted him with a nod and moved to his side, a clawed hand reached out to stroke her head affectionately before it settled on her shoulder.


Time passed, imperceptible, as the two watched with satisfaction the fight around them. Slowly the purple sky faded to a light gray. Screams and turmoil grew more frenetic as fingers of amber sliced through the clouds of dust and gore, tempting those on the field with the approach of dawn. Before the sun crested on the horizon however, the victors of this war became clear. The members of their clan crowed jubilantly, even while fleeing towards shelter. The multitude of unlucky survivors from all sides gathered for entertainment, spoils of war. Their terrified and anguished howls imprinted themselves on the fading night air.


The Master breathed heavily from the blood-soaked wind, and wrapped an arm around the waist of his redheaded Childe. “Do you see this? Do you see all that a strong will can accomplish?”


He gestured out over the city, now under his full and uncontested reign. Pleased with himself as well as his Childer. No sire could ask for more appreciative and attentive companions. He closed his fist, clenched it tightly to drive his claws into his own marbled palm, and spilled his own blood onto the ground, consecrating it as his own.


His Childe leaned up, brushing a kiss across his cheek. Before she nodded her head in agreement. “Yes, father, I do see.”


With lightening celerity and titanic effort, her stake plunged into his heart through his back. His jaw worked slowly, forming soundless words. He then smiled, before his bones clustered around her feet.


A self-satisfied smile creased her porcelain face, as Willow glared down upon the ripe fruit that was the city of Los Angeles.

Story Index
Interlude 2